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10 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident

Jan 06, 2022

Did you know that according to research, a motor vehicle accident claim is most likely successful for you if you're making the claim? This means that if you're the plaintiff, you have a staggering 61% success rate when you have all your documents ready to file your claim, according to Even with the odds in your favor, there are still some mistakes that you should avoid making to ensure that you come out victorious in the end. You should read on to find out more about the 10 most common mistakes that every person should avoid making after a car accident.

1. Refusing Medical Attention

After you've been involved in an accident, it's easy for you to assume that you're the exception to the worst-case scenario rule. Ideally, everyone wants to leave the accident scene scot-free, and with little to no injuries to worry about. It's very common for you to skip getting urgent medical care when you feel okay. Yet, this could be one of the most detrimental mistakes that you can make. If you skip getting medical care and later find out that you require extensive care than you thought, you could affect the outcome of your claim. It doesn't matter how minor you think your injuries are, you should still ensure that you receive the best possible medical attention immediately after your accident.

2. Being Uncooperative

Picture this: sirens are ringing, your head is likely still spinning, and you have no clue how much damage your car has sustained. Moreover, you aren't really certain about who the person who caused the accident was. When you're in this situation, it's very easy for you to lose your head in the chaos. You may want to shout at the other driver and lose your cool when authorities come to question you about the accident. Becoming uncooperative is one of the most common mistakes that anyone who's been in an accident makes. It's always important for you to make sure that you remain calm despite how everything around you seems. Cooperation with authorities and any other personnel should be useful to you.

3. Not Calling the Police

The thing about having a police officer at the scene of your accident is that it can work in your favor. For instance, he or she can collect valuable evidence that can help you with proving your claim. It may be easy for you to assume that the police are there to work against you. However, even if they're not there to primarily help you, you can still use their resources to strengthen your case. Take, for example, the tracking methods that they use to help them reconstruct the scene of your accident. If you're unsure about how your accident happened, you can always use the information that they have to your advantage. So, please don't be afraid to call the police as soon as you've recovered from hearing your tires screeching after that loud thud.

4. Don't Forget the Evidence

Even though it's simple for you to rely on other people to document the evidence for you, you shouldn't. The fact of the matter is that whatever evidence that you gather at the scene of your accident remains the most crucial piece of information. It could help you to determine whether you have a successful claim or not. When you're not the one who's handling this process, you risk letting others control the outcome of your accident claim. If you can afford to get a car accident lawyer to do it on your behalf, you should. The last thing that you want to struggle with is inconclusive evidence.

5. Don't Take Long to File

One of the great things about having a car accident lawyer is that they do the filing for you while you sit at home or in the hospital to nurse your injuries. Besides, in certain states, you have a time limit to file your claim after your car accident. Generally, when you wait too long to file after an accident, it refutes your urgency towards your matter. Additionally, insurance companies are known to string people along if they take too long to file a claim. You don't want to find yourself in this position. So, it's always important for you to file your claim as soon as your accident happens.

6. Don't Admit Guilt

Naturally, you want to resolve a matter like this as soon as possible. You're likely to want to apologize and mend anything before it escalates. While this is a commendable gesture, you should still be aware of certain things. For one, apologizing after a car accident might be seen as an admission of guilt on your part. It's always essential to speak to your car accident lawyer before you decide to say anything to the other party that's involved. Your lawyer can always speak to them on your behalf.

7. Leaving Things to Your Insurer

Admittedly, having someone else be hands on with the administrative stuff is more than welcomed after such a traumatic ordeal. However, the one mistake that you want to avoid is leaving everything to your insurer. Let's face it, your insurer will always stand to lose when you have a quality claim. As a result, they'll convince you to settle for a lower amount, or they'll avoid paying you. Having your car accident lawyer evaluate your claim could help prevent any potential problems with your claim.

8. Don't Settle too Soon

When you're not used to car accident claims, you can find yourself getting lost in the process of filing your claim. For example, when you hear the first offer that you're going to get, you can be tempted to settle. Yet, there are likely better offers that you are eligible for. It's okay for you to want to get this over and done with as soon as possible, but this doesn't mean that you should take whatever offer that your insurer has for you. Take your time. Do some research, and speak to your car accident lawyer about the most reasonable offer that you should settle for.

9. Don't Publicize Your Accident

This should likely be one of the first mistakes that you should avoid. Nowadays, it's tempting for you to put every detail of your life on social media, but you shouldn't. This is the one time when discernment is key. You risk losing your accident claim if you publish everything on your social media. You never know who's taking your information to use it to discredit your claim. Make sure to keep a low profile about the car accident. Speak to relevant people like your close family, your friends, and your car accident lawyer about it.

10. Not Asking Questions

You'd be surprised to find out how many people don't ask the relevant questions after being involved in a car accident. When you're in a confused state, it's normal for you to forget about the finer details. Yet, this can cost you when you have to finalize your claim. Always make sure that you ask questions about anything that you don't understand. Your car accident lawyer should be the best person for you to go to if you have anything that you wish to find out.

It's important for you to get the most out of your car accident claim. Avoiding these mistakes and receiving the most valuable information from us could help you win your claim. Find out more when you contact us for a consultation.

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