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3 Intense Instances Where You'll Need an Accident Lawyer

Oct 07, 2021

Sometimes, life can hit you in ways you never thought. Accidents do happen and when you find yourself in a situation that calls for some assistance, reach out to an accident lawyer to see how you can be compensated for something that wasn't your fault. Here are three situations where you might need to hire an accident lawyer.

What is An Accident Lawyer?

Before we look into some common scenarios that people run into every day that leads them to call an accident attorney, we need to find out what exactly an accident attorney does. An accident attorney is a licensed lawyer who works in the field of accident law. This can encompass vehicle collisions, medical malpractice, slip and fall, and even instances of assault and battery. The reason this has become a focus in the field of law is that it has become more and more common for a court case to tackle these issues. If you're still unsure of what scenarios warrant a call to an accident attorney, read on for some real-life examples that you can reference.

Dog Bite Debacle

It can be any sort of day when you suddenly find yourself dealing with a dog bite. You could be walking home from work or hanging out with some family or friends. You have your headphones in and aren't paying too much attention to your surroundings. As you walk down the street, you see a dog owner walking towards you with their pet, who on the surface, seems pleasant. As you get closer though, you can see the owner gripping the dog's leash tighter and tighter. Even though you notice the subtle hints, you continue hoping the owner will have control of their animal. Not even 20 feet away from the dog, all of a sudden the owner's grip on the leash loosens and the dog comes hurtling towards your legs, biting your calf, and drawing blood.

Dazed, you get up to find that several people in the neighborhood have surrounded the animal as it continues to lash out. Someone has called an ambulance and along with that ambulance, a cop car shows up. A report is taken and you come to find that this isn't the first instance that this particular dog has bitten someone. In fact, the owner has received a ticket for a past incident where their dog has bitten someone.

This is a scenario where the owner of the animal can be sued because there was prior knowledge and record that the animal had a previous confrontation similar to the one you had just gone through. A dog bite injury lawyer can help you fight for compensation to help pay the medical bills for both the ambulance and the stitches you needed to receive. There are cases that can win even more money. For instance, the highest average dog bite claim in the state of New York is almost $55,000. This is also only the average, with certain scenarios costing much more than that, giving you all the more reason to contact an
accident lawyer .

Car Crash Catastrophe

A calm Sunday drive is the plan for many families looking to unwind after a long week of school and work. Everyone hops into the mid-sized vehicle to head wherever the wind takes them. About an hour into your drive, you're coasting along the highway at or below the speed limit when suddenly a car roars right up behind you. They begin to honk their horn at you, seemingly trying to insinuate that you are going too slow when in reality you're in the middle lane and going at the speed limit. You gesture to the car behind you to go ahead, waving your arm forward out the window, but still, they follow your car and continue to honk. You put your turn signal on to go around a semi-truck that you are coming up to and as you merge to the right lane, the car behind you speeds up well past the speed limit to try to weave around you, not realizing that there was a semi-truck in front of you.

The quick car slams on their brakes and in the process, you hit their rear end. This can lead to a huge conflict, as the highway wasn't anywhere near any video cameras or police vehicles, so the driver of the reckless vehicle immediately gets out and looks to blame you for the collision. Luckily, you have both rear and front cameras that measure speed and record footage for up to 5 minutes.

This is when you need to call the best accident lawyers to come and help you out of this pinch. This is the type of scenario where if the other driver has an excellent accident attorney, they may be able to get away with pulling a fast one on you. An accident lawyer can use the tools you've provided them, including the footage of the other car swerving in front of you and braking, and the fact that the cameras have the ability to measure speed, to help you win your case and be compensated for any potential injuries you and you family may have sustained.

Motorcycle Mayhem

Riding a motorcycle doesn't have to be a dangerous pastime, but accidents can happen at any time and anywhere. Let's say you're driving your motorcycle on a generally empty highway. Being the good driver that you are, you obey the law and go the speed limit, even though there are many examples of motorcycle drivers speeding. You get off on your next exit to a yield sign that is on the same corner as a gas station. A car is beginning to inch its way out of the gas station even though you've already passed the yield sign well before the car in the gas station goes to the off-ramp. As you're turning onto the straightaway, the car pushes its nose into the road, causing you to swerve and slide across the asphalt.

According to Injured Call Today, of all the personal injuries, motorcycle injuries are the most frequent cases. This is the perfect scenario to get ahold of a motorcycle accident lawyer. Some of the most important situations to hire an accident attorney are the situations that are vague and difficult to figure out. On the one hand, the motorcycle had the right of way on the road and the car at the gas station should have waited longer to make sure the road was clear. Ont the other hand, was it the motorcycle driver's responsibility to yield to not only the traffic on the road, but the traffic coming to and from the gas station that sat a little more than 50 feet away?

Accident attorneys specialize in being able to sway these situations in your favor even if you aren't totally in the right. Although doing something wrong can cause a lot of guilt, in a situation like this where the gray area is large and you have sustained serious injuries, not fighting the collision can lead to serious financial debt along with lifelong pain.

Although these situations happen very often, you don't have to become a victim of loss at the hands of a collision. If you are in the Ohio area, contact Stepleton Law, LLC, the accident lawyer Cincinnati, OH residents rely on.

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